Latin American Culture
Select one of the following topics for more information about the culture in Latin American countries.
The words that are pronounced similarly but are written a little bit differently are called paronyms.For example:
Spanish |
English |
Parónimos: | Paronyms: |
Actitud/Aptitud | Attitude/Aptitude |
Adepto/Adapto | Adept/Adapt |
Adicción/Adición | Addiction/Addition |
Amén/Amen | Amen/They love |
Acta/Apta | Notes/Capable person |
Bestia/Vestía | Animal/He,she,you dressed |
Cesto/Sexto | Basket/Sixth |
Compresión/Comprensión | Compression/Understanding |
Corruto/Corrupto | Musical instrument/Corrupt |
Índico/Indico | Indian/I indicate |
Legión/Región | Legion/Region |
Papa/Papá | Potato/Dad |
Óptico/Ótico | Vision/Hearing |
Poción/Porción | Potion/Portion |
Respecto/Respeto | About/Respect |
Revólver/Revolver | Revolver (gun)/To mix |
The words that are pronounced and written in a similar form but have different meanings are called homonyms. These are divided into two groups:
- Homophones: words that have different meanings but are pronounced the same. For example, arrollo (to run over) and arroyo (stream or gutter).
- Homographs: words that mean different things but are written the same way. For example, cara (the face) and cara (expensive)
Here are more examples of homonyms:
Spanish | English |
Homónimos: | Homonyms |
Asar/Azar | To grill/Luck |
Barón/Varón | Baron/Man |
Bello/Vello | Pretty/Arm, leg hair |
Aya/Halla | Nanny/He finds |
Bote/Vote | Small boat/She votes |
Basto/Vasto | Stop/Vast |
Cabo/Cavo | Military Grade/I shovel |
Casar/Cazar | To marry/To hunt |
Hierba/Hierva | Herb/Boil |
Hoya/Olla | Sepulcher/Pot (cooking) |
Masa/Maza | Dough, cornmeal/Pool cue (tip) |
Sabia/Savia | Wise person/Sap |
Cara/Cara | Face/Expensive |
Masa/Masa | Dough/Multitude |
Quetzal/Quetzal | Native Bird of Guatemala/Currency of Guatemala |
Peso/Peso | Weight/Currency of Mexico |
Lengua/Lengua | Tongue/Language |
Evita/Evita | Evita/She avoids |
Capital/Capital | Capital/Quantity of Money |
Vos Formation
The vos form is only used:
- In the second person singular because, in Latin America, the second person plural is ustedes. For example, Voshablás del presidente. (You speak of the president.)
- With people you know very, very well (It is more informal than tú)
- In social situations
a)Formation of vos in the present tense:
- For verbs ending in ar like hablar you change the ending ar for ás
For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Hablar | To Speak |
Vos | Hablás | You (informal) speak. |
- For verbs ending in er like comer you change the ending er for és
For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Comer | To Eat |
Vos | Comés | You (informal) eat. |
- For verbs with the ending ir like vivir you change the ending irfor ís
For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Vivir | To Live |
Vos | Vivís | You (informal) live. |
b)There are three irregular verbs in the present tense:
- Ir
- Ser
- Irse
c)There are eleven irregular verbs in the command form and in the subjunctive:
- acostarse
- contar
- dormirse
- morirse
- pedir
- pensar
- repetir
- sentarse
- sentirse
- servir
- vestirse
2. Related Vocabulary
Spanish | English |
Hablar | To speak |
Presente | Hablás |
Pretérito | Hablaste |
Pasado imperfecto | Hablabas |
Futuro | Hablarás |
Imperativo | habláo no hablés |
Condicional | Hablarías |
Progresivo | Estáshablando |
Presente perfecto | Has hablado |
Pretérito perfecto | Habíashablado |
Presente del Subjuntivo | Hablés |
Presente perfecto del subjuntivo | Hayáshablado |
El imperfecto del subjuntivo | Hablaras |
Pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo | Hubierashablado |
Comer | To eat |
Presente | Comes |
Pretérito | Comiste |
Pasado imperfecto | Comías |
Futuro | Comerás |
Imperativo | Coméo no comás |
Condicional | Comerías |
Progresivo | Estáscomiendo |
Presente perfecto | Has comido |
Pretérito perfecto | Habíascomido |
Presente del subjuntivo | Comas |
Presente perfecto del subjuntivo | Hayáscomido |
El imperfecto del subjuntivo | Comieras |
Pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo | Hubierascomido |
Vivir | To live |
Presente | Vivís |
Pretérito | Viviste |
Pasado imperfecto | Vivías |
Futuro | Vivirás |
Imperativo | vivío no vivás |
Condicional | Vivirías |
Progresivo | Estásviviendo |
Presente perfecto | Has vivido |
Pretérito perfecto | Habíasvivido |
Presente del Subjuntivo | Vivás |
Presente perfecto del subjuntivo | Hayásvivido |
El imperfecto del subjuntivo | Vivieras |
Pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo | hubierasvivido |
Contigo | With you |
Con vos | With you (less formal) |
Para ti | For you |
Para vos | For you (less formal) |
Vos me dijiste que tu mamá está enferma | You told me that your mom is sick. |
Proverbs and Refrains
Proverbs and sayings are common sentences that express a warning or a moral lesson and are used by tradition. For example:
- Más vale lo viejo conocido que lo nuevo por conocer. (It’s better to have an old acquaintance than a new acquaintance to get to know.)
- No es rico el que tiene mucho dinero, sino el que vivecontento. (He who has money is not rich, but he who lives happily is rich.)
Common Spanish proverbs and refrains are:
Spanish | English |
A caballo regalado no se le mira el colmillo | Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. |
A gato viejo, ratón tierno | Old cat, young mouse. |
Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr | That which you don’t need, leave for others. |
A la fuerza, ni la comida es buena | The food is no good when it is force-fed. |
A la ley de cristo cada quien con su pisto | Dutch treat |
Al mal tiempo, buena cara | Smile in the face of adversity. |
Al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda | The early bird catches the worm. |
Candil de la calle, oscuridad de su casa | Angel in the street, devil in the house. |
A palabras necias, oídos sordos | To foolish words, turn a deaf ear. |
Amor con amor se paga | You get what you give. |
Árbol que crece torcido, nunca su rama endereza | Old habits die hard. |
A todo coche se le llega su sábado | What goes around comes around. |
Barriga llena, corazón contento | A full stomach means a happy heart. |
Cada cabeza es un mundo | To each his own. |
Cada oveja busca su pareja | Birds of a feather flock together. |
Camarón que se duerme, se lo lleva la corriente | You snooze, you lose. |
Caras vemos y corazones no sabemos | You can’t judge a book by its cover. |
Claro como el agua | Crystal clear |
Con la vara que midas, serás medido | You get what you give. |
Cuando dios da, da de junto | When it rains, it pours. |
Cuando el gato se va, los ratones hacen su fiesta | When the cat’s away, the mice will play. |
Cuando el río truena, es porque piedras lleva | Every rumor has a little bit of truth. |
Cuando tu ibas, yo venía | I was fishing when you were still a twinkle in your father’s eye. |
Del dicho al hecho, hay mucho trecho | Saying and doing are two different things. |
De tal palo tal astilla | The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. |
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres | Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are. |
Donde come uno, comen dos | There’s always room for one more. |
Donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan | Where there was fire, ashes remain. |
Donde manda capitán, no manda marinero | There’s only one captain to a ship. |
Donde cabe uno, caben dos | There’s always room for one more. |
El comal le dijo a la olla, “qué tiznada estás” | The pot calling the kettle black. |
El padre predica pero no se convierte | Do as I say, not as I do. |
El lunes ni las gallinas ponen | On Mondays not even chickens lay eggs. |
El pez grande se come al chico | The big fish eats the little fish. |
El que busca encuentra | He who seeks shall find. |
El que más tiene, más quiere | The more you have, the more you want. |
El que no arriesga, no gana | Nothing ventured, nothing gained. |
El que no llora, no mama | The squeaky wheel gets the grease. |
El que no oye consejos, no llega a viejo | He who doesn’t listen to good advice won’t live to be old. |
El que siembra vientos, cosecha tempestades | You reap what you sow. |
El que se va a Sevilla, pierde su silla | Finderskeepers, losers weepers. |
El tiempo lo dirá | Time will tell. |
El tiempo perdido hasta los santos lo lloran | Time is money. |
El tiempo vuela | Time flies. |
En boca cerrada no entran moscas | Loose lips sink ships. |
En el peligro se conoce al amigo | A friend in need is a friend in deed. |
Enfermo que come, no se muere | A sick person that eats doesn’t die. |
Entre menos bulto, más claridad | Two’s company, three’s a crowd. |
Errar es de humanos | To err is human. |
Fruta podrida, contagia a las demás | One bad apple spoils the whole bunch. |
Gallina que come huevo, ni aunque le quemen el pico | Old habits are hard to break. |
Hablando del rey de Roma y él que se asoma | Speak of the devil. |
Hablando se entiende la gente | By talking, people come to understand one another. |
Hasta no ver no creer | Seeing is believing. |
Hay más tiempo que vida | There is always enough time. |
Haz el bien y no mires a quién | Do good and don’t consider to whom or how it will benefit you. |
Hierba mala, nunca muere | You can’t kill the devil. |
Hombre casado, ni frito ni asado | Married men, not fried or grilled. |
Hombre prevenido, vale por dos | To be prepared is half the battle. |
Hoy por ti, mañana por mí | You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. |
Justos pagan por pecadores | The innocent often pay for the sins of others. |
La curiosidad mató al gato | Curiosity killed the cat. |
La educación no pelea con nadie | The educated do not fight with anyone. |
La práctica hace al maestro | Practice makes perfect. |
Las apariencias engañan | Can’t judge a book by its cover. |
La unión hace la fuerza | Two heads are better than one. |
Lo barato sale caro | You get what you pay for. |
Del cielo a la tierra no hay nada oculto | That which is done at night appears in the day. |
Peor es nada | Anything is better than nothing. |
Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando | A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. |
Más vale prevenir que lamentar | Better safe than sorry. |
Más vale que sobre y no que falte | Better too much than too little. |
Más vale solo que mal acompañado | Better to be alone than in bad company. |
Más vale tarde que nunca | Better late than never. |
Mientras haya vida, habrá esperanza | When there’s life, there’s hope. |
Músico pagado no toca bien | Music paid for doesn’t sound good. |
Nadie da algo sin pedir nada a cambio | There’s no such thing as a free lunch. |
Nadie nace sabiendo | No one is born knowing. |
No dejes para mañana, lo que puedas hacer hoy | Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. |
No hagas a otros lo que no quieres que te hagan | Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. |
No hay mal que dure cien años | No ill lasts a hundred years and no one can endure it so long. |
No hay mal que por bien no venga | Every cloud has a silver lining. |
No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver | No one is more blind than he who doesn’t want to see. |
Nunca digas: nunca | Never say never. |
No todo lo que brilla es oro | All that glitters is not gold. |
Ojo por ojo y diente por diente | An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. |
Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente | What you don’t know can’t hurt you. |
Para saber hablar hay que saber escuchar | To know how to speak, you have to know how to listen. |
Perro que ladra, no muerde | His bark is worse than his bite. |
Preguntando se llega a Roma | By asking you’ll get to Rome. |
Querer es poder | Where there’s a will, there’s a way. |
Todo tiene solución, menos la muerte | Only death has no solution. |
Zapatero a tus zapatos | Stick with what you know. |
Los niños y los bolos, dicen la verdad. | Children and crazies (drunks) tell the truth. |
No puede el buen árbol tener malos frutos | Good trees cannot have bad fruit. |
Por el fruto se conoce el árbol | By the fruit, one knows the tree. |
Cada uno sabe dónde le aprieta el zapato | Each person knows his weakness. |
Acércate a los pobres y te acercarás a Dios | Be near the poor and you’ll be near God. |
Corazón sin amores, jardín sin flores | A heart without love is like a garden without flowers. |
Por el canto se conoce al pájaro | By the song, one knows the bird. |
Por su propio boca muere el pez | To put one’s foot in one’s mouth. |
Cuando una puerta se cierra, otra se abre | When one door closes, another door opens. |
Cada uno quiere llevar agua a su molino y dejar seco el del vecino. | Each person who wants to carry water to his kitchen leaves the neighbor dry. |
Las paredes tienen oídos | The walls have ears. |
No hay rosas sin espinas | There are no roses without thorns. |
Quien tiene un buen libro, tiene un buen amigo | He who has a good book has a good friend. |
Juez limpio de manos, no acepta regalos | A judge with clean hands doesn’t accept gifts. |
Palabras sin obras, guitarras sin cuerdas | Words without works are like guitars without cords. |
Idioms are other ways to express an idea following expressions unique to a language and that have no literal translation into another language.
Common Spanish idioms are:
Spanish | English |
Modismos: | Colloquialisms (idioms) |
Hacer caso | To ignore |
Por si acaso | Just in case |
Llevamos dinero por si acaso tenemos un problema. | We carry money just in case we have a problem. |
Quiere decir | To mean |
¿Qué quiere decir parrandear? | What does to dance in a party mean? |
Valer la pena | To be worth the trouble |
Vale la pena viajar a Guatemala. | It is worth the trouble to travel to Guatemala. |
Echar de menos | To miss a person or the familiar |
Echo de menos mi alfombra. | I miss my carpet. |
No cabe duda | There is no doubt |
No cabe duda que hoy va a llover. | There is no doubt that today it is going to rain. |
Tocarle a uno | To be one’s turn |
Me toca a mí lavar los platos. | It’s my turn to wash the dishes. |
Ponerse de acuerdo | To come to an agreement |
Nos pondremos de acuerdo y viajaremos a Tikal. | We will come to an agreement and will travel to Tikal. |
Ni siquiera | Not even |
No me dijo nada ni siquiera que vendría. | He didn’t tell me anything not even that he would come. |
En un dos por tres | In a jiffy |
Terminaremos la tarea en un dos por tres. | We will finish the homework in a jiffy. |
Tomarle el pelo a uno | To pull one’s leg |
¡No me tomes el pelo! El chico no salió de la escuela durante la clase. | Don’t pull my leg! The boy did not leave school during class. |
Volver en si | To come to |
Cuando volvió en si, supo que había habido un accidente. | When I came to, I thought there had been an accident. |
¡Qué barbaridad! | How awful! |
Hace mucho calor aquí. ¡Qué barbaridad! | It’s hot here. How awful! |
Pasar lista | To call roll |
Cuando la maestra pasó lista, supo que no estabas. | When the teacher called roll, she knew you weren’t there. |
Quedarse de pie | To remain standing |
En el banco me quedé de pie porque no había donde sentarse. | In the bank, I remained standing because there wasn’t a place to sit. |
Hacer caso de | To take notice of |
Por no hacer caso de ir despacio tuvieron un accidente. | Due to not paying attention to going slowly, they had an accident. |
A la larga | In the end, in the long run |
A la larga es mejor invertir en inmuebles. | In the long run it is better to invest in real estate. |
Al por mayor | Wholesale |
Si lo compramos al por mayor sale más barato. | If we buy it wholesale, it will be cheaper. |
Darle a uno ganas de | To make one feel |
De vez en cuando le dan ganas de bailar salsa. | Sometimes it makes them feel like dancing salsa. |
Desempeñar un papel | To play a part |
Desempeña el papel de víctima. | She played the part of the victim. |
Tener que ver con | To have to do with |
El libro no tiene nada que ver con el tema. | The book has nothing to do with the theme. |
A escondidas | On the sly |
A decir verdad | To tell you the truth |
A primera vista | At first glance |
Agarrar con las manos en la masa | To catch someone red-handed |
Andar con rodeos | To beat around the bush |
Andar de boca en boca | To be on everyone’s lips, to be generally known |
Caérsele la baba por | To be wild about, to love someone |
Correr el rumor | To be rumored |
Cuando más | When more |
Dar gato por liebre | To pull the wool over someone’s eyes |
Dar mala espina | To arouse one’s suspicions |
De tal palo tal astilla | Like father like son, a chip off the old block |
El hábito no hace al monje | You can’t judge a book by its cover |
En menos que canta un gallo | In a flash, in the blink of an eye |
Haber gato encerrado | There’s something fishy, more than meets the eye |
Pasarse de la raya | To overstep one’s bounds, to go too far |
Poner al corriente | To bring up-to-date, to give the low down |
Poner el grito al cielo | To hit the ceiling |
Quedarse mudo | To be speechless |
Ser todo oídos | To be all ears |
Tragar el anzuelo | To swallow it hook, line and sinker |
Y por si fuera poco | And if that wasn’t enough, to top it off |
Ahogarse en un vaso de agua | To make a mountain out of a molehill |
Estar de moda | To be fashionable |
Faltar un tornillo | To have a screw loose |
Hablar hasta por los codos | To speak non-stop |
A mil por hora | A mile a minute |
Hablar como loco | To talk too much |
Hacer acto de presencia | To make an appearance, to show up |
Hacerse agua a la boca | To make one’s mouth water |
Las malas lenguas | Gossip |
Seguir la corriente | To humor someone, to go along with |
Ser muy ligero de palabra | To be a blabbermouth |
No entender ni papa | To not understand a thing |
No poder ver a alguien ni en pintura | Not to be able to stand someone |
Para chuparse los dedos | Finger-lickin’ good |
Poner en ridículo | To make a fool out of someone |
Tener algo en la punta de la lengua | To be on the tip of one’s tongue |
Tener fama de | To have a reputation for |
Guatemaltequisms or colloquialisms are expressions that are commonly used in Guatemala and not all Latin American countries.
Some popular Guatemaltequisms are:
Spanish | English |
Guatemaltequismos: | Guatemaltequisms: |
Aguacate | Person of weak character or body |
Aguas | Gaseous drinks |
¡Aguas! | Indicates danger |
Aguado | Without energy |
Al chilazo | Quickly, instantly |
Amishado | Timid, shy |
A pata | To stand up |
Ayote | Head (of a person) |
Bien pilas | Intelligent person |
Bola | News or lie |
Bolo (a) | Drunk |
Buzo (a) | Smart |
Bronca | Fight |
Bote | Jail |
Boquitas | Sandwich served with a drink |
Babosada | Stupidity, silliness |
Babosear | To lie to someone |
Cachete | Cheek |
Caite | Indigenous sandal |
Cañonazo | Sensational news |
Canche | A blond |
Cantinear | To be in love |
Capearse | To ditch classes |
Catizumbal | Too much |
Catrín | Elegant |
Caquero | Presumed |
Colgarse | To be in love with someone |
Colado | Party crasher |
Chafarote | Military person |
Chamarra | Blanket |
Chamba | Work |
Chambonada | Poorly done work |
Chancle | Elegant |
Chancletas | Old shoes |
Chapuzón | A quick dip in the lake or pool |
Chaye | Piece of glass |
Chévere | Something very nice or beautiful |
Chilero | Very beautiful |
China | Babysitter |
Chivearse | To have shame |
Chonte | Police |
Chorrillo | Diarrhea |
Dar batería | To give work or problems |
Dar bola | To give a good result |
Dar lata | To bother, to anger |
De grolis | For free |
De plano | Of course |
Echar guante | To rob |
Echar penca | To hit |
Es otro rollo | It’s something else |
Faroles | Eyes |
Filo | Hunger, hungry |
Flashazo | A good idea |
Fondearse | To remain sleeping |
Frías | Beer |
Fulano | Whatshisname, whatshisface |
Farolazo | To do a favor |
Gacho | Bad, poorly done or made |
Gafo | Without money |
Gamonal | Generous |
Goma | Hangover |
Guineo | Banana |
Güirigüiri | To chat |
Huevón | Lazy |
Hueva | Lazy person |
Hacer trompas | To be angry |
Hacer leña | To break something |
Ir hecho pistola | To go fast |
Jabonear | To scold |
Jeta | Mouth |
Joder | To bother with disagreeable jokes |
Lata | Bad |
Leche | Luck |
Lechudo | A person who has luck, a lucky person |
Len | Cent |
Lica | Movie |
Ligero | Quickly |
Maceta | Head |
Mara | Gang |
Mariachi | Husband |
Miarbolito | To pee |
Mish | Cat, shy person |
Muchá | You (plural) |
Nanachos | Twins |
Nequis | A negation |
Ni rosca | Nothing |
Ñañaras | Anguish |
¡Órale! | See you soon |
Oreja | Spy |
Pacha | Baby bottle |
Palo | Tree, wood |
Parranda | Party |
Pedir manita | To ask for help |
Pelar | To speak poorly of someone |
Pepenar | To collect |
Pichinga | Drunk |
Pisto | Money |
Pollón | Good health |
Quemar la canilla | To be unfaithful |
¿Qué Honda? | How are you? What’s up? |
Rapadura | Unpurified sugar |
Rascado | Easily angered person |
Ratear | To rob |
Ratero | Robber |
Remachar | To study a lot |
Romplón | Suddenly |
Seco | Thin |
¡Shó! | Shut up |
Shute | To tell someone to join the conversation |
Somatar | To hit hard |
Suéter | Mother-in-law |
Sholco | Without teeth, toothless |
Tacuche | Elegant suit |
Tecolote | Owl |
Tencha | Jail |
Tener cuello | To have influence |
Timba | Belly |
Traido | Boyfriend, lover |
Vejiga | Globe |
¿Y diai? | What happened? |
Zacate | Grass |
Zangolotear | To shake violently |
Zafarse | To be freed |
Zumbar | To run quickly |