Beginning Spanish Grammar
Spanish Alphabets
The Spanish alphabet is very similar to the English alphabet, but there are some differences. There are vowels and consonants, but in Spanish there are 3 consonants that don’t exist in English: ch, ll, rr.
Unlike in English, Spanish letters are almost always pronounced the same. In English for example, the first “o” in “doctor” is pronounced differently than the second. In Spanish, the first “o” in “doctor” pronounced the same as the second.
Letters | Name | Conditions for Pronunciation | Pronunciation in English | Example |
A | ah | father | amigo (friend) | |
B | b | boy | bella (beautiful) | |
C | se | ·s before e and i ·k (all other contexts) | ·city ·clay | ·ciudad (city) ·cabeza (head) |
Ch | che | chain | chico (boy) | |
D | de | dog | domingo (Sunday) | |
E | eh | soft e | met | elefante (elephant) |
F | efe | fox | fin (end) | |
G | ge | ·g at beginning of word ·harsh h before e and i ·gw (all other contexts) | ·great ·hiccup (from back of the throat) ·agua | ·gato (cat) ·gigante (gigantic) ·agua (water) |
H | hache | not pronounced | hour | hora (hour) |
I | ee | hard e | meet | idea (idea) |
J | jota | h | hose (from back of the throat) | jamón (ham) |
K | ka | bark | kilo (kilogram) | |
L | ele | look | libro (book) | |
LL | elle | y | yarn | lluvia (rain) |
M | eme | maple | mano (hand) | |
N | ene | north | uno (one) | |
Ñ | eñe | ny | canyon | señor (mister) |
O | o | open | ojos (eyes) | |
P | pe | paper | pelo (hair) | |
Q | ku | quit | queso (cheese) | |
R | ere | radio | pero (but) | |
RR | erre | trilled r | Rolling r not pronounced in English | perro (dog) |
S | ese | sit | sol (sun) | |
T | te | tomato | tres (three) | |
U | u | super | uno (one) | |
V | ve | There is no difference between V and B be | victory | vida (life) |
W | doble u or doble ve | welcome | Web (web) | |
X | equis | ks | extra | examen (exam) |
Y | ye or igriega | ·Long e when alone ·y (all other contexts) | · Betty · yellow | ·Y(and) ·Ya (already) |
Z | zeta | sin Latin America thin Spain | sit | zapato (shoe) |
Additional Vocabulary:
Vocabulary – Spanish | Vocabulary – English |
Spanish | English Translation |
A | |
América | America |
Amigo | Friend |
Amable | Nice |
Aire | Air |
Mamá | Mom |
Pan | Bread |
Caro | Expensive |
Arroz | Rice |
Avión | Airplane |
Ardilla | Chipmonk |
E | |
España | Spain |
Pedro | Peter |
Especial | Special |
Té | Tea |
Elefante | Elephant |
Escalera | Stair |
Equipo | Team |
I | |
Inglés – English | English |
Idea – Idea | Idea |
Ir – To go | To go |
Día – Day | Day |
Cita – Date/meeting | Date/meeting |
Iglesia – Church | Church |
Inteligente – Smart | Smart |
O | |
Ojos | Eyes |
Oreja | Ear |
Opinión | Opinion |
Ocho | Eight |
Cinco | Five |
Caro | Expensive |
Oso | Bear |
Oveja | Sheep |
U | |
Unión | Union |
Uno | One |
Cuba | Cuba |
Unir | To unite |
Último | Last |
Uña | Nail (finger nail) |
Uva | Grape |
Universidad | University |
Y | |
Treinta y dos | Thirty two |
Consonantes/alfabeto: | |
B | |
Bella | Beautiful |
Biblioteca | Library |
Blanco | White/blank |
Bicicleta | Bicycle |
Barco | Boat |
Bailar | To dance |
Banano | Banana |
Boca | Mouth |
C | |
Cabeza | Head |
Casa | House |
Color | Color |
Clase | Class |
Cruz | Cross |
Cristal | Crystal |
Claro | Clear |
Carro | Car |
Caballo | Horse |
Cuchara | Spoon |
Cuchillo | Knife |
CH | |
Chico – Boy/small | Boy/small |
Muchacha – Girl | Girl |
Dichoso – Happy/Fortunate | Happy/Fortunate |
Chistoso – Funny | Funny |
Hacha – Axe | Axe |
Champiñones – Mushrooms | Mushrooms |
D | |
Domingo | Sunday |
Dios | God |
Dólar | Dollar |
Día | Day |
Droga | Drug |
Falda | Skirt |
Donde | Where |
Delfín | Dolphin |
Dinero | Money |
F | |
Fotografía | Photograph |
Fin | End |
Flor | Flower |
Falso | FALSE |
Famoso | Famous |
Café | Café/Coffee |
Foca | Seal |
G | |
General | General |
Gente | People |
Género | Kind/type |
Generoso | Generous |
Gigante | Gigantic |
Imaginar | Imagine |
Gitano | Gypsy |
Gigantesco | Gigantic |
Gato | Cat |
Gas | Gas |
Abrigo | Coat |
Algo | Something |
Gusano | Caterpillar/Worm |
Gustar | To like |
Guerra | War |
Guerrilla | Guerrilla (Warfare)/ |
Guitarra | Guitar |
Guión | Hyphen |
Águila | Eagle |
Vergüenza | Shame |
Antigüedad | Antiquity |
Cigüeña | Stork/Winch/Ostrich |
Lingüista | Linguist |
Pingüino | Penguin |
Guatemala | Guatemala |
Agua | Water |
Guapo | Handsome |
Aguacate | Avocado |
Antiguo | Old/Antique |
H | |
(Es muda, no se pronuncia) | (it’s silent, it is not pronounced) |
Hombre | Man |
Hablar | To speak |
Hormiga | Ant |
Helado | Ice Cream |
Hombro | Shoulder |
Hambre | Hungry |
J | |
Jamón | Ham |
Viaje | Trip |
Mujer | Woman |
Joven | Young |
Juventud | Youth |
Rojo | Red |
Jabón | Soap |
Jirafa | Girafe |
Jueves | Thursday |
K | |
Kilómetro | Kilometer |
Kilo | Kilogram |
Koala | Koala bear |
L | |
Libro | Book |
Labios | Lips |
Lavar | To Wash |
Lunes | Monday |
Luna | Moon |
Lápiz | Pencil |
Lechuga | Lettuce |
LL | |
Llamar | To call |
Taller | Workshop |
Lluvia | Rain |
Caballo | Horse |
Llegar | To arrive |
Llave | Key |
Calle | Street |
M | |
Mano | Hand |
Mamá | Mom |
Camino | Path |
Mono | Monkey |
Manzana | Apple |
Miel | Honey |
N | |
No | No |
Uno | One |
Norte | North |
Noche | Night |
Nada | Nothing |
Nieve | Snow |
Nido | Nest |
Navaja | Pocket knife |
Ñ | |
(sólo se utiliza en medio de las palabras) | |
Año | Year |
Señor | Mister |
Mañana | Tomorrow |
Señorita | Miss |
Cigüeña | Ostrich |
P | |
Pan | Bread |
Papá | Dad |
Puente | Bridge |
Palacio | Palace |
Perro | Dog |
Pies | Feet |
Pelo | Hair |
Papaya | Papaya |
Piña | Pineapple |
Piel | Skin |
Pepino | Cucumber |
Q | |
Parque | Park |
Qué | What |
Queso | Cheese |
Quetzal | Quetzal (native bird to Guatemala) |
Porque | Because |
Aquí | Here |
Quiero | I want |
Quien | Who |
Química | Chemical/Chemistry |
R | |
Rosa | Rose |
Región | Region |
Alrededor | Around |
Honrado | Honest |
Enrique | Richard |
(RR) Perro | Dog |
Correr | Run |
Cerrar | To close |
Guitarra | Guitar |
Pero | But |
Profesora | Professor/Teacher |
Estudiar | To study |
Comprender | To understand |
Rana | Frog |
Ratón | Mouse |
S | |
Suéter | Sweater |
Isla | Island |
Historia | History |
Estudiante | Student |
Escuela | School |
Sombrero | Hat |
Sol | Sun |
Sacerdote | Priest |
Silencio | Silence |
T | |
Tener | To have |
Tres | Three |
Tren | Train |
Tiempo | Time |
Tomar | To take |
Tortuga | Tortoise |
Tiburón | Shark |
Tenedor | Fork |
V | |
Víbora | Viper |
Vida | Life |
Victoria | Victory |
Venado | Deer |
Vaca | Cow |
Vaso | Glass |
X | |
Examen | Exam |
Existir | Exist |
Exótico | Exotic |
Éxito | Success |
Extranjero | Foreigner |
Explorar | To explore |
Explicar | To explain |
Extraño | Strange |
Xilófono | Xylophone |
Y | |
Yo | I |
Ya | Already |
Mayo | may |
Desayuno | Breakfast |
Vaya | Go (subjunctive) |
Playa | Beach |
Hoy | Today |
Hay | There are/is |
Soy | I am |
Voy | I go |
Estoy | I am |
Ley | The law |
Rey | The king |
Sal y pimienta | Salt and pepper |
¿Y te vas? | And you go? |
Y | And |
Yoyo | Yo yo |
Z | |
Zorro | Fox |
Lápiz | Pencil |
Zapato | Shoe |
Paz | Peace |
Zanahoria | Carrot |
Diphthongs occur when two vowels are side-by-side and pronounced together and the vowels do not have an accent mark (the accent breaks the diphthong).
Diphthong | Pronounce both but… | Example (and translation) |
au | emphasize the first vowel | pausa (pause) |
ei | emphasize the first vowel | veinte (twenty) |
ia | emphasize the second vowel | viaje (trip) |
ie | emphasize the second vowel | viejo (old) |
iu | emphasize the second vowel | ciudad (city) |
ua | emphasize the second vowel | suave (smooth) |
ue | emphasize the second vowel | fuego (fire) |
ui | emphasize the second vowel | huida (escape) |
Syllable Stress
There are three rules to syllable stress
Rules | Pronunciation |
1. Accent mark | Stress the syllable with an accent mark |
2. Words ending in a vowel, s, or n | Stress the next to last syllable for words ending in a vowel, s, or n. |
3. Rules 1 & 2 do not apply | If rules 1 & 2 do not apply then stress the last syllable. Usually the “default” pronunciation, because most of words in Spanish end in a vowel or in s, therefore more words are stressed on the next to last syllable |
Diphthongs occur when two vowels are side-by-side and pronounced together and the vowels do not have an accent mark (the accent breaks the diphthong).
Diphthong | Pronounce both but… | Example (and translation) |
au | emphasize the first vowel | pausa (pause) |
ei | emphasize the first vowel | veinte (twenty) |
ia | emphasize the second vowel | viaje (trip) |
ie | emphasize the second vowel | viejo (old) |
iu | emphasize the second vowel | ciudad (city) |
ua | emphasize the second vowel | suave (smooth) |
ue | emphasize the second vowel | fuego (fire) |
ui | emphasize the second vowel | huida (escape) |
Accents are primarily used to indicate syllable stress. When accents are not indicating syllable stress, they are used to differentiate words that have the same spelling. For example,
Spanish | English |
sí | yes |
si | if |
él | he |
el | the |
tú | you |
tu | your |
qué | what |
que | that |
Greetings & Goodbyes
Some common greetings and goodbyes are listed below.
Spanish | English |
Buenos días, Señor. | Good morning, Sir. |
Buenos días, Señorita. | Good morning, Miss. |
Buenas tardes | Good afternoon |
Buenas noches | Good evening/night |
Hola | Hello |
Adiós | Goodbye |
Hasta luego | See you later/Until later |
Hasta mañana | See you tomorrow/Until tomorrow |
¿Como está usted? | How are you? (formal) |
Bien gracias, ¿y usted? | I’m well, thank you, and you? |
Bien gracias. | I’m well, thank you. |
The spelling of “uno” (one in English) will change depending on the gender of the noun it modifies. “Uno” is spelled “un” before a masculine noun and “una” before a feminine noun. For example, un chico (one boy) or una chica (one girl). See Lesson “Nouns & Articles (Sustantivos)” for more information about Nouns and gender.
“Mil” (1000) is never pluralized however “million” (1,000,000) is pluralized. For example, dos mil chicos (two thousand boys) or dos millones de chicos (two million boys). Numbers 16 to 29 are commonly written as one word or as two words connected by “y” (and). An accent is added to the one word spelling of 16, 22, 23 and 26. For example:
Number |
Spelling: One word |
Spelling: Two words and “y” |
16 |
Dieciséis | Diez y seis |
17 |
Diecisiete | Diez y siete |
22 |
Veintidós | Veinte y dos |
23 |
Veintitrés | Veinte y tres |
26 |
Veintiséis | Veinte y seis |
28 |
Veintiocho | Veinte y ocho |
Number |
English |
Cien | 100 or one hundred |
Cien chicos | 100 boys |
Cien chicas | 100 girls |
Doscientos chicos | 200 boys |
Doscientas chicas | 200 girls |
Vocabulary – Spanish |
Vocabulary – English |
Uno |
1 |
Dos |
2 |
Tres |
3 |
Cuatro |
4 |
Cinco |
5 |
Seis |
6 |
Siete |
7 |
Ocho |
8 |
Nueve |
9 |
Diez |
10 |
Once |
11 |
Doce |
12 |
Trece |
13 |
Catorce |
14 |
Quince |
15 |
Dieciséis |
16 |
Diecisiete |
17 |
Dieciocho |
18 |
Diecinueve |
19 |
Veinte |
20 |
Veintiuno |
21 |
Veintidós |
22 |
Veintitrés |
23 |
Veinticuatro |
24 |
Veinticinco |
25 |
Veintiséis |
26 |
Veintisiete |
27 |
Veintiocho |
28 |
Veintinueve |
29 |
Treinta |
30 |
Cuarenta |
40 |
Cincuenta |
50 |
Sesenta |
60 |
Setenta |
70 |
Ochenta |
80 |
Noventa |
90 |
Cien |
100 |
Ciento uno |
101 |
Ciento dos |
102 |
Ciento tres |
103 |
Ciento cuatro |
104 |
Ciento cinco |
105 |
Ciento seis |
106 |
Ciento siete |
107 |
Ciento ocho |
108 |
Ciento nueve |
109 |
Ciento diez |
110 |
Doscientos |
200 |
Trescientos |
300 |
Cuatrocientos |
400 |
Quinientos |
500 |
Seiscientos |
600 |
Setecientos |
700 |
Ochocientos |
800 |
Novecientos |
900 |
Mil |
1000 |
Mil uno |
1001 |
Mil dos |
1002 |
Mil tres |
1003 |
Mil cuatro |
1004 |
Mil cinco |
1005 |
Mil seis |
1006 |
Mil siete |
1007 |
Mil ocho |
1008 |
Mil nueve |
1009 |
Mil diez |
1010 |
Dos mil |
2000 |
Tres mil |
3000 |
Cuatro mil |
4000 |
Cinco mil |
5000 |
Seis mil |
6000 |
Siete mil |
7000 |
Ocho mil |
8000 |
Nueve mil |
9000 |
Diez mil |
10000 |
Un millón |
1000000 |
Telling Time
In Spanish, “es” or “son” (translated as “is”) is used to express time. “Es” is used for the singular times (1 o’clock) and “son” is used for plural times (2, 3, etc.). A couple of other rules are:
- Mañana (morning), tarde (afternoon) and noche (night) are used instead of “a.m.” or “p.m.”
- The word “o’clock” is not used in Spanish.
- Note: But you can say “en punto” for very specific time. Ex: Es la una y quince, en punto.
For example,
Spanish | English |
¿Qué hora es? | What time is it? |
Es la una. | It is 1. |
Son las tres. | It is 3. |
Es la una y diez. | It is 1:10 |
Son las dos y cuarto. | It is 2:15 (quarter past). |
Son las dos y media. | It is 2:30 (half past). |
Es mediodía. | It is noon. |
Es medianoche. | It is midnight. |
Son las ocho de la mañana. | It is 8 in the morning. |
Son las dos y media de la tarde | It is 2:30 in the afternoon. |
Son las 8 de la noche | It is 8 at night. |
Days and Months
Both the days and months in Spanish are masculine and not capitalized. Lunes (Monday) is typically the first day of the week in the Spanish calendar.
Spanish | English |
Día | Day |
lunes | Monday |
martes | Tuesday |
miércoles | Wednesday |
jueves | Thursday |
viernes | Friday |
sábado | Saturday |
domingo | Sunday |
Mes | Month |
enero | January |
febrero | February |
marzo | March |
abril | April |
mayo | May |
junio | June |
julio | July |
agosto | August |
septiembre | September |
octubre | October |
noviembre | November |
diciembre | December |
Definite Article
In English, the definite article “the” is used to modify any noun. In Spanish, the definite article changes when the noun is plural and depending on the gender. In English, nouns like telephone and apple are genderless. In Spanish, nouns are considered either masculine or feminine. Masculine nouns are preceded by el (singular) or los (plural). Feminine nouns are preceded by la (singular) or las (plural). For example:
Spanish | English |
Singular / Plural | Singular / Plural |
el teléfono /los teléfonos | the telephone / the telephones |
la manzana / las manzanas | the apple / the apples |
Definite articles are typically used:
- To communicate an abstract concept. For example, “La verdad es necesaria para la justicia (The truth is necessary for justice).”
- With a series of nouns. For example, “Mira la manzana, la naranja y el banano (Look at the apple, orange and banana).”
- When telling the time of day, “Es la una (it is one o’clock).”
- With the days of the week, (replacing “on” in English) except when following the verb “ser”. For example, “Tengo una lección el sabado (I have a lesson on Saturday).”
- With the seasons. For example, “Voy a ir a Guatemala en el verano (I am going to Guatemalain the summer).”
- With weights and measures(replacing “per” in English). For example, “El arroz cuesta 2 dólares lalibra (Rice costs $2 per pound).”
- With the parts of the body or articles of clothinginstead of the possessive pronoun (i.e., yours/mine/his/etc.). For example, “Dejé los zapatos en el cuarto (I lefty my shoes in the room).”
- Before a proper name when it is modified by an adjective. For example, “Mira el pequeño Ricardo (Look at little Richard).”
- When speaking about (not speaking directly to) people with titles. For example, “Tengo que visitar la doctor (I have to visit the woman doctor).”
- Before the names of languagesbut not after hablar, de or en. For example, “El español es fácil para enseñar (Spanish is easy to teach).”
Exception:The definite article “el” precedes feminine nouns that begin with an “a” when the stress is on the first syllable. This is done to avoid placing “la” before words like “agua” creating “la agua”, which is difficult to pronounce. However, when the stress is not on the first syllable the definite article “la” is used: For example:
Spanish | English |
Singular / Plural | Singular / Plural |
el agua / las aguas | the water / the waters |
la amiga / las amigas | the female friend / the female friends |
Gender of Nouns
Most nouns that end in “o”are considered masculine and those that end in “a” are considered feminine. For example:
Spanish | English |
Masculino | Masculine |
elteléfono | telephone |
ellibro | book |
Femenino | Feminine |
lamanzana | apple |
lamaestra | female tutor |
Here are the most common exceptions where a masculine word ends in “a” and a feminine word ends in “o”.
Spanish | English |
Masculino | Masculine |
el clima | climate |
el día | day |
el idioma | language |
el mapa | map |
el problema | problem |
el programa | program |
el sistema | system |
el tema | thema |
Feminino | Feminine |
la foto (fotografía) | photo (photograph) |
la mano | hand |
la moto (motocicleta) | motorcycle |
la clase | class |
Spanish | English |
Feminino | Feminine |
la ciudad | city |
la universidad | university |
la acción | action |
la meditación | meditation |
la revolución | revolution |
Nouns that end in -dor and -sor are typically masculine and can be converted to feminine by adding an “a” at the end.
Spanish | English |
el trabajador | male worker |
la trabajadora | female worker |
The nouns for persons and animals will end in “o” if the are masculine and in “a” if they are feminine.
Spanish | English |
el chico | boy |
la chica | girl |
el gato | mail cat |
la gata | female cat |
Some nouns and those that end in -ista, -ante, or -ente do not change for masculine or femine. The gender of these nouns is indicated by the definite article preceding it. For example,
Spanish | English |
el joven | boy |
la joven | girl |
el estudiante | boy student |
la estudiante | girl student |
Plural Nouns
There are only 4 rules for making nouns plural:
1. If the noun ends in a vowel add “s”
Spanish | English |
el chico / los chicos | boy / boys |
el gato / los gatos | cat / cats |
2. If the noun ends in a consonant ad “es”
Spanish | English |
el trabajador / los trabajadores | worker / workers |
la ciudad / las ciudades | city /cities |
3. If the noun ends in an “s” do not change the word
Spanish | English |
el lunes / los lunes | Monday / Mondays |
4. If the noun ends in a “z” change the “z” to a “c” and ad “es”
Spanish | English |
el lápiz / los lápices | pencil / pencils |
la voz / las voces | voice / voices |
Indefinite Article
The Spanish indefinite article “un” or “una” translates to “a” or “one” with singular nouns. “Unos” and “unas” translates to “some” with plural nouns. For example:
Spanish | English |
Singular / Plural | Singular / Plural |
unteléfono / unos teléfonos | a telephone / some telephones |
unaciudad / unas ciudades | a city / some cities |
Just like the definite article, the indefinite article “un” precedes feminine nouns that begin with an “a” when the stress is on the first syllable. This is done to avoid placing “una” before words like “agua” creating “una agua”, which is difficult to pronounce. However, when the stress is not on the first syllable the indefinite article “una” is used. For example:
Spanish | English |
Singular / Plural | Singular / Plural |
unagua / unas aguas | a water / some waters |
unaamiga / unas amigas | a female friend / some female friends |
Indefinite articles are used with a series of nouns. For example, “Mira una manzana, una naranja y un banano (Look at an apple, an orange and a banana).”
In Spanish, indefinite articles are often omitted where you might use them in English. Indefinite articles are not used:
· Before an unmodified noun after a form of the verb “ser”(to be). For example,
Modifed | Unmodified |
Ella va a ser una buena maestra (She will be a good tutor). | Ella va a ser maestra (She will be a tutor). |
· When the noun is not of a specific nature and typically following the verbs: tener (to have), necesitar (to need), buscar (to look for). For example, “Voy a necesitar trabajo (I will need a job)”
· With otro (another), medio (half), cien (100), mil (1000), con (with), sin (without). For example,
Spanish | English |
Quiero otro chocolate. | I want another chocolate. |
Quiero medio chocolate. | I want half a chocolate. |
Quiero cien chocolates. | I want a hundred chocolates. |
Quiero mil chocolates. | I want a thousand chocolates. |
Quiero chocolate con copa de leche. | I want chocolate with a cup of milk. |
Quiero chocolate sin copa de leche. | I want chocolate without a cup of milk. |
Definite Article “lo”
“Lo” is used prior to an adjective that is acting like a noun. It roughly translates to an indefinite “thing” or “part”. For example, “Lo bueno es que el viaje ha terminado (The good thing is that the trip has ended).”
Subject Pronouns
Similar to English, subject pronouns replace a name for a person.
Singular | Plural | ||
Spanish | English | Spanish | English |
Yo | I | Nosotros, Nosotras | We (male), We (female) |
Tú | You (informal) | ||
Usted | You (formal) | Ustedes | You (formal/informal) |
Él | He | Ellos | They (male/collective) |
Ella | She | Ellas | They (female) |
When speaking Spanish, verb endings indicate the subject so the subject pronoun is not typically spoken but only used for clarification. For example,
Spanish | English |
Yollevo el libro | I carry the book |
Llevo el libro | I carry the book |
Túllevas el libro | You carry the book |
Llevas el libro | You carry the book |
Prepositional Pronouns
Prepositional pronouns follow prepositions. Examples of prepositions in Spanish (English): ante (before), con (with), desde (since,from), hasta (until), para (for), sin (without).
Singular | Plural | ||
Spanish | English | Spanish | English |
Mí | Me | Nosotros | Us |
Ti | You (informal) | ||
Usted | You (formal) | Ustedes | You (formal/informal) |
Él | Him | Ellos | Them (male/collective) |
Ella | Her | Ellas | Them (female) |
For example,
Spanish | English |
El libro es para mí. | The book is for me. |
El libro es para ti. | The book is for you (informal). |
When the prepostion con (with) is followed by mí, or ti a compound word is formed ending in “go”. For example, conmigo (with me), contigo (with you). With him (él) and her (ella) use consigo (with himself, herself). Consigo is reflexive which will be covered in more detail in Beginning Spanish II.
Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns are used to express to whom things pertain. Which possessive pronoun is used is dependent on the gender of the noun and if it is singular or plural.
Possessive Adjective | Possessive Pronoun | |||
Singular | Plural | Singular | Plural | English |
Mi | Mis | El mío La mía | Los míos Las mías | Mine |
Tu | Tus | El tuyo La tuya | Los tuyos Las tuyas | Yours (informal) |
Su | Sus | El suyo La suya | Los suyos Las suyas | His, theirs, yours (male formal) Hers, theirs, yours (female formal) |
Nuestro | Nuestros | El nuestro La nuestra | Los nuestros Las nuestras | Ours |
A possessive pronoun is used so we don’t have to repeat the object possessed. For example,
Possessive Adjective | Possessive Pronoun |
Maria tiene mi libro. (Maria has my book.) | Maria tiene el mío. (Maria has mine.) |
Courteous Phrases
Courteous phrases exist in both English and Spanish. Instead of saying, “Can I have some bread?” in English we say, “May I have some bread?” to sound more polite. The same concept applies to Spanish. Instead of saying, “Tráigamelo”, which sounds like a command, one says, “Podrías traerme…?” (Would you bring me…?). Some commands, depending on the inflection of the voice, can sound like commands or polite sentences. (Please sit down. Go ahead. Wait a moment.) The following are polite sentences used in Spanish.
Vocabulary – Spanish | Vocabulary – English |
Podría ayudarme? | Could you help me? |
¿Puedes pasarme el pan? | Could you pass me the bread? |
¿Podría decirme qué hora es? | Could you tell me what time it is? |
¿Puedes decirme dónde hay un buen restaurante? | Can you tell me where there is a good restaurant? |
Disculpeme. | Excuse me. |
Perdón. | Pardon. |
¿Dígame? | Tell me? |
¿Podría decirme dónde está…? | Could you tell me where….? |
Quisiera ir a…. | I would like to go to…? |
¿Podría llevarme a….? | Would you take me to….? |
¿Dónde podría alquilar…? | Where could I rent…? |
Quisiera… | I would like… |
¿Podría usar el teléfono? | May I use the telephone? |
¿Puedo dejar mi equipaje aquí? | May I leave my luggage here? |
Quisiera enviar… | I would like to send… |
¿Podría llamar a….? | May I call…? |
¿Es posible cambiar dinero? | Is it possible to exchange money? |
¿Qué puedo hacer por las noches? | What can I do at night? |
¿Podría darme…? | Could you give me…? |
¿Puedo ver el menú? | May I see the menu? |
Necesito un vaso con agua. | I need a glass of water. |
La comida estuvo muy rica. | The food is very tastey. |
Estoy satisfecho. | I am satisfied. |
¿Podría traerme la cuenta? | Could you bring me the check? |
Siéntese, por favor. | Sit down please. |
Pase adelante. | Go ahead./Come on in. |
¿Podría decirme cuánto es? | Could you tell me how much it is? |
¿Podría decirme cuánto cuesta? | Could you tell me how much it costs? |
Espere un momento. | Wait a moment |
Question Words, Negatives and Affirmatives
In Spanish, as in English, we use question words to signify the type of information we are looking for. For example, when we say, “Where is the store?” we want to know the location or existence of the store. The same applies in Spanish. The question words ask for specific information to help us find what we want. We also use negative and positive words to answer some types of questions. “Who is here?” “Nobody is here.” “Someone is here.” We use different words to differentiate between two things: “You can choose either bread or salad” or “You can neither watch TV nor talk to your friends.”
Vocabulary – Spanish | Vocabulary – English |
Dónde | Where |
Cómo | How |
Qué | What |
Quién | Who |
Cuanto/a | How much |
Cuantos/as | How many |
Por qué | Why |
Por cuanto | For how much |
Con quién | With whom |
A quién | To whom |
Paraquién | For whom |
De quién | Whose |
Cuál | Which |
Cuáles | Which |
De qué | Of what |
¿Dónde? | Where? |
¿A dónde? | To where? |
¿Para dónde? | To where? |
¿De dónde? | From where? |
¿Por qué? | Why? |
¿Para qué? | For what reason? |
¿De qué? | Of what? |
¿Cuándo? | When? |
¿Para cuándo? | For when? |
¿Qué? | What? |
¿Cómo? | How? |
¿Quién? | Who? |
¿Quiénes? | Who? |
¿A quién? | To whom? |
¿Para quién? | For whom? |
¿Con quién? | With whom? |
¿De quién? | From whom? |
¿Por quién? | For whom? |
¿Cuál? | Which? |
¿Cuáles? | Which ones? |
¿Cuánto/a/as/os? | How many? |
Algo | Something |
Nada | Nothing |
Alguien | Someone |
Nadie | Nobody |
Alguno | Some |
Ninguno | None |
Siempre | Always |
Alguna vez | Ever |
Algunas veces | Sometimes |
Algún día | Someday |
Nunca | Never |
O…O | either, or |
Ni…ni | neither, nor |
También | also, too |
Tampoco | Neither |
Descriptive Adjectives
In Spanish, as in English, we use adjectives to describe things. Instead of saying, “He is a boy,” we can give the boy more life and more character by saying, “He is a tall boy.” The adjective “tall” helps to describe the noun “boy”. The same is done in Spanish.
In Spanish, the spelling of adjectives usually change depending if the noun is feminine or masculine. Most adjectives end in “o” for masculine nouns and “a” for feminine nouns. For example, “El chico es alto,” (The boy is tall) and “La chica es alta” (The girls is tall). However, there are some exceptions:
- Adjectives that end in “dor” are masculine and “dora” are feminine
- Adjectives that end in “e” are both masculine and feminine
The 4 rules for making adjectives plural are the same for making nouns plural:
- If the adjective ends in a vowel add “s”.
- If the adjective ends in a consonant ad “es”
- If the adjective ends in an “s” do not change the word
- If the adjective ends in a “z” change the “z” to a “c” and ad “es”
Generally, adjectives follow the noun. For example, “La maestra inteligente (The intelligent tutor).” There are a few exceptions to this rule,
- “Buen”is used before a noun and “bueno” is used after a noun and they both translate to “good”. This same rule applies to “mal” and “malo” which means “bad”.
- “Gran”is used before a noun which means “great” but “grande” is used after a noun which means “big”. For example,
Spanish | English |
El gran trabajador / el trabajador grande | The great worker / the big worker |
- Some adjectives change meaning if used before or after a noun:
Spanish | English |
El pobre trabajador El trabajadorpobre | The pitiful worker The poor worker |
El único trabajador El trabajador único | The only worker The unique worker |
El viejo trabajador El trabajador viejo | The long-time worker The old worker |
Possessive Adjectives
The following adjectives are used to describe the person who possesses the object:
Spanish | English |
Mi | My |
Tu | Your |
Su | His / her /their |
Nuestro / nuestra | Our |
However, the possessive adjective is made plural only if the object is plural. The possessive adjective is not made plural if the number of possessors is plural.
Spanish | English |
Su libro es viejo Suslibros son viejo | His book is old Hisbooks are old |
Sulibro es viejo Suslibros son viejo | Theirbook is old Theirbooks are old |
Quantity Adjectives
Some adjectives describe quantity or how much. These adjectives are used almost always before the noun. Here is a list of common quantity adjectives (notice the masculine singular spelling of algún and ningún):
Español | Inglés |
Poco / pocos Poca / pocas | Not many or not much |
Mucho / muchos Mucha / muchas | Many or very much |
Algún / algunos Alguna / algunas | Some |
Ningún / ningunos Ninguna / ningunas | None |
Uses of Ser and Estar
In Spanish, there are two main verbs that express “to be”: ser and estar. Each verb has specific uses within the language and the uses cannot be interchanged. The spelling of ser and estar changes depending on the subject.
Ser | Estar | English |
Yo soy | Yo estoy | I am |
Tú eres | Tú estás | you are |
Él/ella/usted es | Él/ella/usted está | He/she is |
Ellos/ellas/ustedes son | Ellos/ellas/ustedes están | They are |
Nosotros somos | Nosotros estamos | We are |
1. Ser
Ser is used to express the inherent nature of a person or thing. Here are some rules:
- To be + adjectiveexpresses essential characteristics of people or things (i.e., physical descriptions).
Spanish | English |
La estudiante es bonita. | The student is pretty. |
El profesor es viejo. | The professor is old. |
- To be + of/fromexpresses possession, origin, or material. “Of/from” are translated to “de” in Spanish.
Spanish | English |
Las pinturas son de Maria. | The paintings are Maria’s. |
George es deGuatemala. | George is from Guatemala. |
La mesa es de madera. | The table is wood. |
- To be + forexpresses destination or the expiration date. “For” is translated to “por” or “para” in Spanish.
Spanish | English |
La tarea es para mañana. | The homework is for tomorrow. |
- To be + noun or pronounexpresses identity between the subject and the noun or pronoun, profession.
Spanish | English |
Ella es una maestra. | She is a tutor. |
Esun perro. | It is a dog. |
- To be + the existence of temporary activities or events.
Spanish | English |
La reunión es en el café. | The meeting is at the cafe. |
- To be + the day, the date, the time, and seasons.
Spanish | English |
Hoy es lunes. | Today is Monday. |
Sonlas once y media. | It is 11:30. |
2. Estar
Estar is used to express the temporary nature of a person or thing. Here are some rules:
- To be + adjectiveexpresses changing conditions and appearance of people or things.
Spanish | English |
Las maestras están enfermas. | The tutors are sick. |
La estudiante está bonita. | The student is pretty right now. |
- To be + expresses the location of people or things.
Spanish | English |
Mi hermano está en la escuela. | My brother is in school. |
Elavión está en Guatemala. | The plane is in the Guatemala. |
- To be + adverb expresses the temporary quality or state of an emotion or activity.
Spanish | English |
Estábien | Everything is well. |
- Estar + para + infinitive is equivalent to “to be about to”.
Spanish | English |
Estoypara salir. | I am about to go out. |
En este momento está para llover. | In this moment it is about to rain. |
Present Indicative Formation
In Spanish, the spelling of verbs will change depending on the tense, subject and quantity. This process of changing the spelling is called “conjugation”. The unconjugated form of the verb is called “infinitive.” Most infinitives end in “ar”, “er” and “ir” and can be conjugated by only changing the ending.
Present Indicative Formation
In Spanish, the spelling of verbs will change depending on the tense, subject and quantity. This process of changing the spelling is called “conjugation”. The unconjugated form of the verb is called “infinitive.” Most infinitives end in “ar”, “er” and “ir” and can be conjugated by only changing the ending.
Present Tense Conjugation of Regular Verbs
The Present Tense is used to express:
- What is happening now. For example, “I live here.”
- What happens regularly. For example, “I eat at home.”
- What will happen in the near future. For example, “I am eating lunch soon.”
Here is a conjugation example of a regular verb with an “ar” ending. These same endings are used for all “regular verbs” that end in “ar”,
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Hablar (to speak) | |
Yo | hablo | I speak |
Tú | hablas | You speak |
Usted/él/ella | habla | You (formal)/He/She speaks |
Nosotros | hablamos | We speak |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | hablan | You (plural) speak/They speak |
Here is a conjugation example of a regular verb with an “er” ending. These same endings are used for all “regular verbs” that end in “er”,
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Comer (to eat) | |
Yo | como | I eat |
Tú | comes | You eat |
Usted/él/ella | come | You (formal)/He/She eats |
Nosotros | comemos | We eat |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | comen | You (plural) speak/They eat |
Here is a conjugation example of a regular verb with an “ir” ending. These same endings are used for all “regular verbs” that end in “ir”
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Vivir (to live) | |
Yo | vivo | I live |
Tú | vives | You live |
Usted/él/ella | vive | You (formal)/He/She lives |
Nosotros | vivimos | We live |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | viven | You (plural) speak/They live |
Present Indicative Stem-changing Verbs
When “regular verbs” are conjugated the ending changes and the front part (a.k.a. stem or root) doesn’t change. When “stem-changing verbs” are conjugated the stem changes. Most stem-changing verbs follow a few rules when conjugated, however, there are some verbs that don’t follow a consistent rule when they are conjugated, and these are called, “irregular verbs”.
Fortunately, most stem-changing verbs follow a few rules when they are conjugated.
1. Change the “e” to “ie” in the stem. However, the subject “nosotros” is conjugated as a regular verb. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Pensar | To Think |
Yo | pienso | I think |
Tú | piensas | You think |
Usted/él/ella | piensa | You (formal)/He/She thinks |
Nosotros | pensamos | We think |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | piensan | You (plural)/They think |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Cerrar | To close |
Calentar | To warm |
Comenzar | To begin |
Pensar | To think |
Perder | To lose |
Gobernar | To govern |
Negar | To deny |
Quebrar | To break |
Querer | To want |
Herir | To wound |
Entender | To understand |
Encender | To turn on |
Despertarse (refl) | To wake up |
Defender | To defend |
Confesar | To confess |
Mentir | To lie |
Preferir | To prefer |
Sentir | To feel |
2. Change the “o” to “ue” in the stem. However, the subject “nosotros” is conjugated as a regular verb. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Poder | To be able |
Yo | puedo | I am able |
Tú | puedes | You are able |
Usted/él/ella | puede | You (formal)/He/She is able |
Nosotros | podemos | We are able |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | pueden | You (plural)/They are able |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Contar | To tell |
Almorzar | To have breakfast |
Devolver | To return |
Envolver | To wrap |
Volver | To return |
Encontrar | To find |
Llover | To rain |
Morder | To bite |
Mover | To move |
Oler | To smell |
Poder | To be able |
Volar | To fly |
Probar | To try |
Recordar | To recall |
Soñar | To dream |
Sonar | To sound |
Dormir | To sleep |
Morir | To die |
3. Change the “e” to “i” in the stem. However, the subject “nosotros” is conjugated as a regular verb. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Pedir | To ask |
Yo | pido | I ask |
Tú | pides | You ask |
Usted/él/ella | pide | You (formal)/He/She asks |
Nosotros | pedimos | We ask |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | piden | You (plural)/They ask |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Pedir | To ask |
Perseguir | To pursue |
Reír | To laugh |
Repetir | To repeat |
Vestir | To dress |
Seguir | To follow/to continue |
Servir | To serve |
Sonreír | To smile |
Construir | To construct |
Destruir | To destroy |
Concluir | To conclude |
Diluir | To dilute |
4. For verbs that end in “cer” change “c” to “zc” but only for the subject “yo“. The other subjects are conjugated as a regular verb. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Reconocer | To recognize |
Yo | reconozco | I recognize |
Tú | reconoces | You recognize |
Usted/él/ella | reconoce | You (formal)/He/She recognize |
Nosotros | reconocemos | We recognize |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | reconocen | You (plural) speak/They recognize |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Aparecer | To appear |
Conducir | To drive |
Introducir | To introduce |
Ofrecer | To offer |
Reconocer | To recognize |
Reducir | To reduce |
5. For verbs that end in “ger” and “gir” change “g” to “j” but only for the subject “yo“. The other subjects are conjugated as regular verbs. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Escoger | To choose |
Yo | escojo | I choose |
Tú | escoges | You choose |
Usted/él/ella | escoge | You (formal)/He/She chooses |
Nosotros | escogemos | We choose |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | escogen | You (plural) speak/They choose |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Escoger | To chose |
Exigir | To demand |
Dirigir | To direct |
6. For verbs that end in “eguir” change “egu” to “ig” for the subject “yo” and to “igu” for “tú “, “usted/él/ella” and “ustedes/ellos/ellas“. However, the subject “nosotros” is conjugated as a regular verb. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Seguir | To follow |
Yo | sigo | I follow |
Tú | sigues | You follow |
Usted/él/ella | sigue | You (formal)/He/She follows |
Nosotros | seguimos | We follow |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | siguen | You (plural) speak/They follow |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Conseguir | To get |
Perseguir | To pursue |
Seguir | To follow |
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Instruir | To instruct |
Yo | instruyo | I instruct |
Tú | instruyes | You instruct |
Usted/él/ella | instruye | You (formal)/He/She instructs |
Nosotros | instruimos | We instruct |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | instruyen | You (plural) speak/They instruct |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Construir | To build |
Destruir | To destroy |
Instruir | To instruct |
Present Indicative Stem-changing Verbs
When “regular verbs” are conjugated the ending changes and the front part (a.k.a. stem or root) doesn’t change. When “stem-changing verbs” are conjugated the stem changes. Most stem-changing verbs follow a few rules when conjugated, however, there are some verbs that don’t follow a consistent rule when they are conjugated, and these are called, “irregular verbs”.
Fortunately, most stem-changing verbs follow a few rules when they are conjugated.
1. Change the “e” to “ie” in the stem. However, the subject “nosotros” is conjugated as a regular verb. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Pensar | To Think |
Yo | pienso | I think |
Tú | piensas | You think |
Usted/él/ella | piensa | You (formal)/He/She thinks |
Nosotros | pensamos | We think |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | piensan | You (plural)/They think |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Cerrar | To close |
Calentar | To warm |
Comenzar | To begin |
Pensar | To think |
Perder | To lose |
Gobernar | To govern |
Negar | To deny |
Quebrar | To break |
Querer | To want |
Herir | To wound |
Entender | To understand |
Encender | To turn on |
Despertarse (refl) | To wake up |
Defender | To defend |
Confesar | To confess |
Mentir | To lie |
Preferir | To prefer |
Sentir | To feel |
2. Change the “o” to “ue” in the stem. However, the subject “nosotros” is conjugated as a regular verb. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Poder | To be able |
Yo | puedo | I am able |
Tú | puedes | You are able |
Usted/él/ella | puede | You (formal)/He/She is able |
Nosotros | podemos | We are able |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | pueden | You (plural)/They are able |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Contar | To tell |
Almorzar | To have breakfast |
Devolver | To return |
Envolver | To wrap |
Volver | To return |
Encontrar | To find |
Llover | To rain |
Morder | To bite |
Mover | To move |
Oler | To smell |
Poder | To be able |
Volar | To fly |
Probar | To try |
Recordar | To recall |
Soñar | To dream |
Sonar | To sound |
Dormir | To sleep |
Morir | To die |
3. Change the “e” to “i” in the stem. However, the subject “nosotros” is conjugated as a regular verb. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Pedir | To ask |
Yo | pido | I ask |
Tú | pides | You ask |
Usted/él/ella | pide | You (formal)/He/She asks |
Nosotros | pedimos | We ask |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | piden | You (plural)/They ask |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Pedir | To ask |
Perseguir | To pursue |
Reír | To laugh |
Repetir | To repeat |
Vestir | To dress |
Seguir | To follow/to continue |
Servir | To serve |
Sonreír | To smile |
Construir | To construct |
Destruir | To destroy |
Concluir | To conclude |
Diluir | To dilute |
4. For verbs that end in “cer” change “c” to “zc” but only for the subject “yo“. The other subjects are conjugated as a regular verb. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Reconocer | To recognize |
Yo | reconozco | I recognize |
Tú | reconoces | You recognize |
Usted/él/ella | reconoce | You (formal)/He/She recognize |
Nosotros | reconocemos | We recognize |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | reconocen | You (plural) speak/They recognize |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Aparecer | To appear |
Conducir | To drive |
Introducir | To introduce |
Ofrecer | To offer |
Reconocer | To recognize |
Reducir | To reduce |
5. For verbs that end in “ger” and “gir” change “g” to “j” but only for the subject “yo“. The other subjects are conjugated as regular verbs. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Escoger | To choose |
Yo | escojo | I choose |
Tú | escoges | You choose |
Usted/él/ella | escoge | You (formal)/He/She chooses |
Nosotros | escogemos | We choose |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | escogen | You (plural) speak/They choose |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Escoger | To chose |
Exigir | To demand |
Dirigir | To direct |
6. For verbs that end in “eguir” change “egu” to “ig” for the subject “yo” and to “igu” for “tú “, “usted/él/ella” and “ustedes/ellos/ellas“. However, the subject “nosotros” is conjugated as a regular verb. For example:
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Seguir | To follow |
Yo | sigo | I follow |
Tú | sigues | You follow |
Usted/él/ella | sigue | You (formal)/He/She follows |
Nosotros | seguimos | We follow |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | siguen | You (plural) speak/They follow |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Conseguir | To get |
Perseguir | To pursue |
Seguir | To follow |
Spanish | Spanish | English |
Subject | Infinitive: Instruir | To instruct |
Yo | instruyo | I instruct |
Tú | instruyes | You instruct |
Usted/él/ella | instruye | You (formal)/He/She instructs |
Nosotros | instruimos | We instruct |
Ustedes/Ellos/Ellas | instruyen | You (plural) speak/They instruct |
Here is a list of stem-changing verbs that follow this rule:
Spanish | English |
Construir | To build |
Destruir | To destroy |
Instruir | To instruct |
Present Indicative Irregular Verbs
When “regular verbs” are conjugated the ending changes and the front part (a.k.a. stem or root) doesn’t change. When “stem-changing verbs” are conjugated the stem changes. Most stem-changing verbs follow a few rules when conjugated, however, there are some verbs that don’t follow a consistent rule when they are conjugated, and these are called, “irregular verbs”.
Fortunately, there aren’t many irregular verbs. Unfortunately, some of the irregular verbs listed below are used frequently:
Infinitive | Yo | Tú | Usted/él/ella | Nosotros | Ustedes/ellos/ellas | |
Saber (to know) | Sé | Sabes | Sabe | Sabemos | Saben | |
Estar (to be) | Estoy | Estás | Está | Estamox | Están | |
Ser (to be) | Soy | Eres | Es | Somos | Son | |
Ir (to go) | Voy | Vas | Va | Vamos | Van | |
Dar (to give) | Doy | Das | Da | Damos | Dan | |
Caer (to fall) | Caigo | Caes | Cae | Caemos | Caen | |
Traer (to bring) | Traigo | Traes | Trae | Traemos | Traen | |
Decir (to say) | Digo | Dices | Dicen | Decimos | Dicen | |
Oír (to hear) | Oigo | Oyes | Oye | Oímos | Oyen | |
Hacer (to do) | Hago | Haces | Hace | Hacemos | Hacen | |
Poner (to put) | Pongo | Pones | Pone | Ponemos | Ponen | |
Salir (to leave) | Salgo | Sales | Salen | Salemos | Salen | |
Tener (to have) | Tengo | Tienes | Tiene | Tenemos | Tienen | |
Venir (to come) | Vengo | Vienes | Viene | Venimos | Vienen |
Expressions about time used in the present tense
In Spanish, as in English, we use words to describe the present situation. Today, now, right now, this year, and other similar words explain what is happening right now. With these words, we use verbs in the present tense.
Spanish | English Translation |
Hoy | Today |
Esta mañana | This morning |
Esta tarde | This afternoon |
Esta noche | This evening |
Esta semana | This week |
Este año | This year |
Ahora | Now |
Ahorita | Right now |
The Verb Haber Used to Express Existence
Haber has two uses. The first is as a verb. As such it is conjugated based on the subject (yo, tú, etc.). The second, “Hay,” is to express the existence of something, “There is” or “There are”. It’s impersonal, invariable and it doesn’t reflect gender, person or number.
Spanish | English |
Hay | There is/There are |
Hay lluvia | There is rain/It is raining |
¿Qué hay en la clase? | What is in the classroom? |
En la clase hay muchos libros. | In the classroom, there are many books. |
¿Cuántas bibliotecas hay en la escuela? | How many libraries are there in the school? |
Hay una biblioteca en la escuela. | There is one library in the school. |
Impersonal Statements
We use impersonal expressions when we don’t want to personalize a situation, and we speak in a general sense to send a somewhat persuasive message. For example, instead of personalizing the situation and obligating ourselves by saying, “I have to study,” we can use the third person and say, “I think it’s important to study.”
Vocabulary – Spanish | Vocabulary – English |
Es importante | It’s important |
Es bueno | It’s good |
Es probable | It’s probable |
Es necesario | It’s necessary |
Es posible | It’s possible |
Es una lástima | It’s a shame |
Es una pena | It’s a pain |
Es fácil | It’s easy |
Es difícil | It’s difficult |
Es increíble | It’s incredible |
Es aconsejable | It’s advisable |
Es dudoso | It’s doubtful |
Es imposible | It’s impossible |
Es indispensable | It’sm indispensable |
Es lógico | It’s logical |
Es mejor | It’s better |
Es menester | It’s needed |
Es natural | It’s natural |
Es necesario | It’s necessary |
Es normal | It’s normal |
Es peor | It’s poor/worse |
Es preciso | It’s precise |
Es preferible | It’s preferable |
Es ridículo | It’s ridiculous |
Es un problema | It’s a problem |
Es urgente | It’s urgent |
Más vale | It’s worth more |
No es cierto | It’s not true |
No es claro | It’s not clear |
No es evidente | It’s not evident |
No es obvio | It’s not obvious |
No es seguro | It’s not sure |
No es verdad | It’s not true |
No parece que | It doesn’t appear that |
Verbs Saber and Conocer
There are two verbs that mean “to know” in Spanish: saber and conocer. Each one has different use.
1. Saber
Saber (to know) is used to express knowledge of information, abilities or facts. For example, “I know your address” or “They know how to dance.”
Spanish | English |
Yo sé la dirección. | I know how the address. |
Tú sabes cocinar. | You (informal) know how to cook. |
Usted/él/ella sabe el número de teléfono. | You (formal)/he/she knows the telephone number. |
Nosotros sabemos leer. | We know how to reed. |
Ustedes/ellos/ellas saben hablar español. | They know how to speak Spanish. |
2. Conocer
Conocer is used to express knowledge of in the sense of being acquainted with or recognizing. Conocer is always used to express knowledge of places or people. For example, “She knows (has been to) Tikal”, or “We know Juan.”
Spanish | English |
Yo conozco a la maestra pero no sé su nombre. | I know the tutor but I don’t know her name. |
Tú conoces la escuela PROBIGUA. | You (informal) know the school PROBIGUA. |
Usted/él/ella conoce la biblioteca. | You (formal)/he/she knows the library. |
Nosotros conocemos la librería. | We know the bookstore. |
Ustedes/ellos/ellas conocen el café Internet. | They knowthe internet café. |
The Infinitive
The expressions with an infinitive are formed with a conjugated verb plus an infinitive that changes the meaning of the sentence (verb + infinitive).
This lesson includes information on:
- To have to + infinitive
- To have just + infinitive
- Should + infinitive
- Might + infinitive
- To begin to + infinitive
- To stop (interrupt) + infinitive
- To be at the point of (verge of) + infinitive
- To be about to + infinitive
- To be going to + infinitive
- To carry without + infinitive
- To be in agreement with in order to accomplish something + infinitive
- To begin/commence + infinitive
- To want + infinitive
- To do again + infinitive
1. To have to + infinitive(Tener que + infinitivo) – Expresses personal necessity or obligation
Spanish | English |
Yo tengo que estudiar. | I have to study. |
Tú tienes que comer todos los días. | You have to eat every day. |
Usted tiene que pagar el alquiler. | You have to pay the rent. |
Él/Ella tiene que trabajar. | He/She has to work. |
Nosotros tenemos que desayunar temprano. | We have to eat breakfast early. |
Ustedes tienen que cambiar dinero. | You have to exchange money. |
Ellos/Ellas tienen que hablar con la secretaria. | They have to speak with the secretary. |
Haber que + infinitivo – obligación impersonal | To have to + infinitive (impersonal obligation) |
Hay que estudiar. | One must study. |
Hay que comer todos los días. | One must eat every day. |
Hay que pagar el alquiler. | One must pay the rent. |
Hay que trabajar. | One must work. |
2. To have just + infinitive (Acabar de + infinitivo) – Expresses an immediate past
Spanish | English |
Yo acabo de llegar. | I just arrived. |
Tú acabas de recibir la noticia. | You just received the news. |
Usted acaba de terminar la tarea. | You just finished the homework. |
Él/Ella acaba de regresar. | He/She just returned. |
Nosotros acabamos de hablar por teléfono. | We just spoke on the phone. |
Ustedes acaban de comer. | You (plural) just ate. |
Ellos/Ellas acaban de visitar las ruinas. | They just visited the ruins. |
3. Should + infinitive (Deber + infinitivo) – Expresses moral obligation
Spanish | English |
Yo debo asistir a la escuela a las ocho. | I should attend school at 8. |
Tú debes beber mucha agua. | You should drink a lot of water. |
Usted debe practicar más el español. | You should practice more Spanish. |
Él/Ella debe ayudar a su mamá. | He/She should help his/her mother. |
Nosotros debemos visitar ese museo. | We should visit that museum. |
Ustedes deben regresar más temprano. | You should return earlier. |
Ellos/Ellas deben hacer la tarea. | They should do their homework. |
4. Might + infinitive (Deber de + infinitivo) – Expresses probability
Spanish | English |
Yo debo de estar enferma. | I might be sick. |
Tú debes de acostarte más temprano. | You might go to bed earlier. |
Usted debe de ayudar a los niños. | You might help the children. |
Él/Ella debe de viajar a Guatemala. | He/She might travel to Guatemala. |
Nosotros debemos de entregar el examen. | We might turn in our exam. |
Ustedes deben de alquilar una habitación doble. | You might rent a double room. |
Ellos/Ellas deben de grabar la conversación. | They might record the conversation. |
5. To begin to + infinitive (Echarse a + infinitivo or comenzar a + infinitivo) – Expresses the beginning of something
Spanish | English |
Yo me echo a llorar. Yo comienzo a llorar | I begin to cry. |
Tú te echas a correr. Tú comienzas a correr | You begin to run. |
Usted se echa a reír. Uste comienza a reírse | You begin to laugh. |
Él/Ella se echa a gritar. | He/she begins to scream. |
Ustedes se echan a correr. | You begin to run. |
6. To stop (interrupt) + infinitive(Dejar de + infinitivo) – Expresses the end or stopping of something
Spanish | English |
Yo dejo de hablar cuando como. | I stop talking when I eat. |
Tú dejas de mirar la televisión a las once de la noche. | You stop watching TV at 11pm. |
Usted deja de vivir en ese hotel el fin de semana. | You stop living in that hotel this weekend. |
Él/Ella deja de caminar cuando está cansado/a. | He/she stops walking when he/she is tired. |
Nosotros dejamos de ayudar a los estudiantes después de la clase. | We stop helping the students after class. |
Ustedes dejan de celebrar los cumpleaños en la noche. | You stop celebrating the birthday at night. |
Ellos/Ellas no dejan de reír. | They don’t stop laughing. |
7. To be at the point of (verge of) + infinitive(Estar a punto de + infinitivo) – Expresses an imminent future
Spanish | English |
Yo estoy a punto de salir. | I am on the verge of leaving. |
Tú estás a punto de cambiar la idea. | You are on the verge of changing your mind. |
Usted está a punto de hablar por teléfono. | You are on the verge of speaking on the phone. |
Él/Ella está a punto de pagar la cuenta. | He/She is on the verge of paying the bill. |
Nosotros estamos a punto de resolver el problema. | We are on the verge of resolving the problem. |
Ustedes están a punto de comprar el libro. | You are on the verge of buying the book. |
Ellos/Ellas están a punto de llegar. | They are on the verge of arriving. |
8. To be about to + infinitive(Estar por + infinitivo) – Expresses intention or in favor of
Spanish | English |
Yo estoy por regresar a mi país. | I am about to return to my country. |
Tú estás por terminar el ejercicio de español. | You are about to finish the Spanish exercises. |
Usted está por salir. | You are about to leave. |
Él/Ella está por cruzar la calle. | He/She is about to cross the street. |
Ustedes están por viajar a ese país. | You are about to travel to that country. |
Ellos/Ellas están por terminar la cena. | They are about to finish dinner. |
9. To be going to + infinitive (Ir a + infinitivo) – Expresses future
Spanish | English |
Yo voy a visitar ese pueblo esta semana. | I am going to visit that town this week. |
Tú vas a comer en ese restaurante esta noche. | You are going to eat in that restaurant tonight. |
Usted va a entregar los libros a la biblioteca. | You are going to return the books to the library. |
Él/Ella va a invitar a mi familia a la fiesta hoy. | He/She is going to invite my family to the party today. |
Nosotros vamos a terminar el trabajo esta tarde. | We are going to finish the job this afternoon. |
Ustedes van a presentar la obra mañana. | You are going to present the work tomorrow. |
Ellos/Ellas van a nadar en la piscina el fin de semana. | They are going to swim in the pool this weekend. |
10. To carry without + infinitive(Llevar sin + infinitivo) – Expresses duration
Spanish | English |
Yo llevo sin estudiar español dos semanas. | I have gone two weeks without studying Spanish. |
Tú llevas sin llamarme tres días. | You have gone three days without calling me. |
Usted lleva sin escribirme un mes. | You have gone one month without writing me. |
Él/Ella lleva sin regresar un año. | He/She has gone one year without returning. |
Nosotros llevamos una semana sin hablar por teléfono. | We have gone one week without talking on the phone. |
Ustedes llevan sin trabajar dos horas. | You have gone two hours without working. |
Ellos/Ellas llevan sin tomar agua una mañana. | They have gone one morning without drinking water. |
11. To be in agreement with in order to accomplish something + infinitive(Quedar en + infinitive) – Expresses agreement to make something happen
Spanish | English |
Yo quedo en hacer la cena con mi madre. | I agree to make dinner with my mother. |
Tú quedas en trabajar conmigo. | You agree to work with me. |
Usted queda en ir de vacaciones con su familia. | You agree to go on vacation with your family. |
Él/Ella queda en estudiar por la mañana con su maestra. | He/She agrees to study in the morning with his/her teacher. |
Nosotros quedamos en ir a la fiesta juntos. | We agree to go to the party together. |
Ustedes quedan en almorzar en ese restaurante. | You agree to eat lunch in that restaurant. |
Ellos/Ellas quedan en regresar en el verano. | They agree to return in the summer. |
12. To begin/commence + infinitive(Ponerse a + infinitivo) – Expresses to begin or to commence
Spanish | English |
Yo me pongo a limpiar la casa por la mañana. | I begin to clean the house in the morning. |
Tú te pones a trabajar a las ocho de la mañana. | You begin to work at 8am. |
Usted se pone a hablar durante la cena. | You begin to speak during dinner. |
Él/Ella se pone a practicar el español con sus compañeros durante la pausa. | He/She begins to practice Spanish with his/her friends during the break. |
Nosotros nos ponemos a revisar las tareas en la clase. | We begin to revise the homework during class. |
Ustedes se ponen a cantar cuando están contentos. | You begin to sing when you are content. |
Ellos/Ellas se ponen a escuchar música en la habitación. | They begin to listen to music in their bedroom. |
13. To want + infinitive(Querer + infinitivo) – Expresses a desire or preference.
Spanish | English |
Yo quiero llegar temprano. Yo prefiero llegar temprano. | I want to arrive early. I prefer to arrive early. |
Tú quieres mandar un correo. | You want to send mail. |
Usted quiere llevar más comida. | You want to carry/take more food. |
Él/ella quiere parar en la esquina. | He/She wants to stop on the corner. |
Nosotros queremos bailar salsa. | We want to dance salsa. |
Ustedes quieren salir por la noche. | You want to go out at night. |
Ellos/ellas quieren subir el volcán. | They want to climb the volcano. |
14. To do again + infinitive(Volver a + infinitivo) – Expresses to do again
Spanish | English |
Yo vuelvo a escribir un e-mail. | I write the e-mail again. |
Tú vuelves a cocinar espagueti. | You cook the spaghetti again. |
Usted vuelve a recibir buenas notas. | You got good grades again. |
Él/Ella vuelve a leer el libro. | He/She read the book again. |
Nosotros volvemos a corregir sus errores. | We corrected your errors again. |
Ustedes vuelven a discutir el problema. | You discussed the problem again. |
Ellos/ellas vuelven a interrumpir la conversación. | They interrupted the conversation again. |
Imperative or Command Form
The imperative or command form only exists in the tú, usted, ustedes, and nosotros forms of the verbs.
This lesson includes information on:
- Imperative or Command Formation Affirmative
- Imperative or Command Formation Negative
- Indirect and Direct Object Pronouns with Imperatives
- Irregular Imperative or Command Verbs
1. Imperative or Command Formation Affirmative
The imperative or command form is used to express:
1. A command or an order. For example: Coma usted los vegetales. ({You (formal)} Eat the vegetables.) Mira tú.({You (informal)} Look.)
2. To beg. For example, Quiero que usted hable conmigo. (I want you to speak to me.)
3. To give advice or suggestions. For example, Invitemos a Jorge a la fiesta. (Let’s invite Jorge to the party.)
- Direct commandsin the tú form (familiar) are formed dropping the –s from the tú form in the present tense. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Hablar | To speak | Tú habla | You (informal) speak |
Comer | To eat | Tú come | You (informal) eat |
Vivir | To live | Tú vive | You (informal) live |
Pensar | To think | Tú piensa | You (informal) think |
Volver | To return | Tú vuelve | You (informal) come back |
Dormir | To sleep | Tú duerme | You (informal) sleep |
- Direct commandsin the usted form (2nd person formal) are formed by dropping the –o in the yo (1st person singular) form of the present tense and adding the usted ending of the present subjunctive. In other words, for the verbs ending in –ar, drop the _ar and add “e”; and from the verbs ending in _er or –ir, drop these endings and add “a”. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Hablar | To speak | Usted hable | You (formal) speak |
Comer | To eat | Usted coma | You (formal) eat |
Vivir | To live | Usted viva | You (formal) live |
- Direct commandsin the ustedes form (2nd person plural) are formed by dropping the –o in the yo (1st person singular) form of the present tense and adding the ustedes ending of the present subjunctive. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Hablar | To speak | Ustedes hablen | You (plural) speak |
Comer | To eat | Ustedes coman | You (plural) eat |
Vivir | To live | Ustedes vivan | You (plural) live |
- Nosotros commandsare not direct commands but suggestions. Suggestions in the nosotros form (1st person plural) are formed by using the present subjunctive form of nosotros. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Hablar | To speak | Nosotros hablemos | Let’s speak |
Comer | To eat | Nosotros comamos | Let’s eat |
Vivir | To live | Nosotros vivamos | Let’s live |
2. Imperative or Command Formation Negative
The negative imperative or command form is used to express:
1. A command or an order. For example: No coma los vegetales. ({You (formal)} Don’t eat the vegetables.) No mires.({You (informal)} Don’t look.)
2. To beg. For example, Quiero que usted no hable conmigo. (I want you to not speak to me.)
3. To give advice or suggestions. For example, No invitemos a Jorge a la fiesta. (Let’s not invite Jorge to the party.)
- Negative direct commandsin the tú form (familiar) are formed by using the present subjunctive form of tú. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Hablar | To speak | No hables | You (informal) don’t speak |
Comer | To eat | No comas | You (informal) don’t eat |
Vivir | To live | No vivas | You (informal) don’t live |
- Negative direct commandsin the usted form (2nd person formal) are formed by dropping the –o in the yo (1st person singular) form of the present tense and adding the usted ending of the present subjunctive. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Hablar | To speak | No hable | You (formal) don’t speak |
Comer | To eat | No coma | You (formal) don’t eat |
Vivir | To live | No viva | You (formal) don’t live |
- Negative direct commandsin the ustedes form (2nd person plural) are formed by dropping the –o in the yo (1st person singular) form of the present tense and adding the ustedes ending of the present subjunctive. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Hablar | To speak | Ustedes no hablen | You (plural) don’t speak |
Comer | To eat | Ustedes no coman | You (plural) don’t eat |
Vivir | To live | Ustedes no vivan | You (plural) don’t live |
- Negative suggestion commandsin the nosotros form (1st person plural) are formed by using the present subjunctive form of nosotros. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Hablar | To speak | Nosotros no hablemos | Let’s not speak |
Comer | To eat | Nosotros no comamos | Let’s not eat |
Vivir | To live | Nosotros no vivamos | Let’s not live |
3. Indirect and Direct Object Pronouns with Imperatives
The imperative or command form is used to express:
1. A command or an order. For example, Cómalos. ({You (formal)} Eat them.)
2. To give direct orders. For example, Mírala.({You (informal)} Look at it.)
3. To beg. For example, Quiero que usted me lo dé. (I want you to give it to me.)
4. To give advice. For example, Invitémosla a la fiesta. (Let’s invite her to the party.)
- Affirmative direct commandswith direct and indirect object pronouns attach the pronouns to the end of the commands and an accent is added to the command to maintain proper pronunciation. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Hablar | To speak | Hábleme | You (informal) speak to me |
Comer | To eat | Cómanla | You (plural) eat it |
Vivir | To live | Vivámoslo | Let’s live it |
The indirect object pronoun always goes before the direct object pronoun. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Explicar | To explain | Explícamelo | You (informal) explain it to me |
Comer | To eat | Cómetelo | You (informal) eat it yourself |
Vivir | To live | Escríbeselo | You (informal) write it for him/her |
- Negative Direct Commands withdirect and indirect object pronouns are formed by having the pronouns come before the command but after the word no. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Explicar | To explain | No me lo expliques | You (informal) don’t explain it to me |
Comer | To eat | Nola coman | You (plural) don’t eat it |
Vivir | To live | No lo escribamos | Let’s not write it |
- In soft commands(beg) or desire statements, the pronouns come before the conjugated command verb. The second clause of the sentence is always conjugated in the subjunctive form. For example:
Spanish | English | Spanish Conjugation | English Conjugation |
Explicar | To explain | Quiero que me lo expliques | I want you (informal) to explain it to me |
Comer | To eat | Espero que la coman | I wish that you (plural) eat it |
Vivir | To live | Sugiero que lo escribamos | I suggest that we write it |
4. Irregular Imperative or Command Verbs
Irregular imperative verbs exist in the forms of tú, usted, ustedes and nosotros.
- The irregular imperative verbs in the tú form (familiar) are:
Spanish | English | Spanish Affirmative | Spanish Negative |
Decir | To tell | Di | No digas |
Hacer | To do, make | Haz | No hagas |
Ir | To go | Ve | No vayas |
Ser | To be | Sé | No seas |
Salir | To leave | Sal | No salgas |
Poner | To put | Pon | No pongas |
Tener | To have | Ten | No tengas |
Venir | To come | Ven | No vengas |
- The irregular imperative verbs in the usted/ustedes forms are:
Spanish | English | Spanish Affirmative/Negative Usted | Spanish Affirmative/Negative Ustedes |
Dar | To give | Dé | Dén |
Decir | To tell | Diga | Digan |
Estar | To be | Esté | Estén |
Hacer | To do, make | Haga | Hagan |
Ir | To go | Vaya | Vayan |
Oír | To hear | Oiga | Oigan |
Poner | To put | Ponga | Pongan |
Saber | To know | Sepa | Sepan |
Ser | To be | Sea | Sean |
Tener | To have | Tenga | Tengan |
Traer | To bring | Traiga | Traigan |
Venir | To come | Venga | Vengan |
Ver | To see | Vea | Vean |
- The irregular imperative verbs in the nosotros form are:
Spanish | English | Spanish Affirmative Nosotros | Spanish Negative Nosotros |
Ir | To go | Vamos/Vayamos | No vayamos |
Irse | To go now | Vámonos | No nos vayamos |
Demonstrative Adjectives
In Spanish, one uses “this/these” (este/estos/estas/esta) when things are close to the person speaking. “That/those” (ese/esos/esa/esas) are used when things are close to the person who is listening. “That/Those over there” (Aquel/aquellos/aquella/aquellas) are used when things are far from both people.
Spanish | English |
Este/a | This |
Estos/as | These |
Ese/a | That |
Esos/as | Those |
Aquel/aquella | That (over there) |
Aquellos/as | Those (over there) |
Esta silla es comfortable. | This chair is comfortable. |
Esa planta es bonita. | That plant is beautiful. |
Aquel hotel es nuevo. | That (over there) hotel is new. |
Demonstrative Pronouns
When the Demonstrative Adjective is used as a pronoun it is referred to as a Demonstrative Pronoun. Demonstrative Pronouns are spelled the same but include an accent to indicate the difference.
Demonstrative Pronouns are masculine or feminine depending on the noun they are modifying. If the noun is neutral (neither masculine or feminine) then the Demonstrative Pronoun ends in “o” and they do not take an accent (e.g., esto, eso, aquello).
Demonstrative Pronouns are also used to indicate former (forms of aquél) and latter (forms of ésto and éso).
Spanish | English |
Éste/a/o | This one |
Ése/a/o | That one |
Aquél/aquélla/aquéllo | That one (over there) |
Éstos/as | These ones |
Ésos/as | Those ones |
Aquéllos/aquéllas | Those ones (over there) |
Esta silla es comfortable y aquella también. | This chair is comfortable and that one is too. |
Esa planta es bonita y ésa es también. | That plant is beautiful and that one is too. |
Aquel hotel es nuevo y aquél es viejo. | That (over there) hotel is new and that one (over there) is old. |
Yo prefiero aquél y ella prefiere eso. | I prefer the former and she prefers the latter. |